
Massad Analyses State of Architecture Criticism at FAD Centre

Fredy Massad, a lecturer in Critical Architecture at the ESARQ School of Architecture, gave the lecture «Between Nostalgia and Farce: Criticism of Architecture Criticism» at the FAD (Fostering Art and Design) centre on Monday, 30 September 2013, as part of the current Ara Arquitectura (Architecture Now) series of lectures on architecture criticism.

According to Massad, “Criticism has become purely simulated and sterile; on one hand it pretends to go against some aspects of the establishment and continues to support it on the other”.

Massad argued that architecture criticism is currently demonstrating “a profound reluctance to question or oppose anything related to so-called innovation for fear of being accused of being old-fashioned or reactionary”.

The lecturer argued the importance of “regaining a sense of criticism” and ”being vigilant”, given that “new channels provided by technology give us valuable tools, but we must be aware of the responsibility that goes with them”.

Massad concluded that there is a need to return to “a criticism unfettered by obligations and incentives, that minutely examines every issue, every topic, and is able to demystify the big names and confront them with their own reality”.

The lecture was followed by a debate on criticism, new formats, and the possibility of introducing the teaching of criticism into schools of architecture, with Fredy Massad citing the example of the ESARQ students’ blog.

Fredy Massad’s lecture is the third in the Ara Arquitectura series on architecture criticism directed by Eugeni Bach at the FAD centre. The two previous lectures were given by Josep Maria Muntaner and Ethel Baraona.