
Miguel Aranguren Speaks to Journalism Students at the UIC

On Wednesday, 29 February 2012, journalist and writer Miguel Aranguren visited the UIC to tell future journalists how he started his professional career.

From a very young age, Aranguren
started volunteering for non-governmental organizations dedicated to working in
developing countries and taught in international cooperation courses at various institutions and
universities. He currently works as a columnist for Selecciones del Reader's
, the Intereconomía media group and Telva. He has also published articles in El Mundo, in various Vocento Group
newspapers and in the weekly magazine ¡Hola! Since 2004, he has directed the
project Excelencia Literaria (Literary
Excellence), which aims to promote young writers.

Aranguren is a very
articulate speaker who always manages to captivate his audience. He was largely
unknown to the students before his appearance, but they were completely
mesmerized from the moment he started speaking and listened to him
enthusiastically until the very end.

The journalist explained how he
published his first book with the Espasa Calpe publishing house when he was
just 19 years old and how, at 23, his career as a columnist took off when he
wrote an opinion column for El Mundo

When asked about the reason for
starting to write at such a young age, Aranguren
explained that the most important thing is having something to say and expressing
it to everyone. He then told the students to ask themselves the question,
"Do I have something to say?", and said that if they do, they should
go ahead and say it.