
Miquel Lacasta, Spanish Urban Planning Award, is patron for the School of Architecture’s new graduating class

The architect shared his vision of the profession with the new Architecture graduates and stressed the importance of being a good person and knowing how to listen to practice the profession

Miquel Lacasta, PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2021 Spanish Urban Planning Award, co-founder of the Archikubik studio and lecturer at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, was patron for the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture’s graduating class at the University’s Aula Magna.

The ceremony was presided by the director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Dr Josep Lluis Guinovart, who after welcoming the attendees gave the floor to the patron of the graduating class, Miquel Lacasta, who gave the keynote speech to the new Architecture graduates. “I want to welcome you to a profession that lasts a lifetime, it is always a part of you and is there every hour of the day.” He stressed that to be an architect, one has to be a “good person, since architecture is a job that is done for others.” He also stressed the importance of knowing how to listen to people, the time we live in and knowing how to wait because a lot of patience is needed.

Subsequently, the Schindler Awards for Accessibility to the Final Degree Projects (TFG) were awarded with first prize awarded to the “UnderGreen” project by UIC Barcelona Architecture student Alice Nicoleta Raducan. Second prizes were awarded ex aequo to Yamil Gabriela Chapoñán for his project “Grower”, and to Miquel Vilalta with “Tradición, Farmàcia, Gardens.” Third prize was awarded to Macarena Gonzalez for the project “E! Mobility.”

The jury was made up of Xavier Jiménez, head of Ascensores Schindler in Catalonia; project directors Inaki Baquero and Ávaro Cuellar, and TFG director in the area of accessibility, Enrique Rovira-Beleta.

The ceremony continued with speeches from the student representatives, who thanked UIC Barcelona for teaching them to be empathic, cordial and respectful. Borja Ferrater, Doctor in Architect and Alumni of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, also spoke and reminded the students that their ties to the University are forever and that going forward, they will become ambassadors of their alma mater.

Then the diplomas were awarded to the graduates. Josep Lluis Guinovart, director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, closed the ceremony and affirmed that the profession can only be approached with morale, and asked the new graduates “to be faithful to the principles of the University.” The graduation ceremony closed with the traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.