
Mireia Tintoré Named Academic Chair for International Leadership Association Conference

The International Leadership Association (ILA) has named Mireia Tintoré, a professor in the UIC Faculty of Education, the academic coordinator for its annual conference, with responsibility for coordinating the central theme.The conference is held each year in a different city around the world and the forthcoming edition will take place in Barcelona from Wednesday to Saturday, 14-17 October 2015. The lead coordinator is Michael Brandenburg, a lecturer from IESE.

With the theme Leading Across Borders and Generations, the conference will focus not only on leadership in the sense of people who wield influence, i.e. leaders, but also on leadership in its strictest sense, i.e. the processes that leaders carry out with their teams.  

The conference will aim to provide current examples of leadership, discuss questions such as whether the economic crisis will make room for new forms of leadership that transcend borders and generations, analyse ways to increase dialogue between people of all ages and from all cultures, identify examples of leadership both within and from Barcelona, and more.

Given that leadership is a subject that can be approached from many different angles and perspectives, all the UIC’s lecturers, regardless of the faculty they belong to, are invited to give papers at the conference, prepare workshops or contribute in an editorial capacity. The UIC, together with other universities and business schools from Catalonia, is proud to take part in this conference as a host and member of the organizing committee.

The International Leadership Association is a global network open to all those who wish to practise, study and teach leadership.