
This Month: 2nd CPR and First Aid Conference

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is organizing the second Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid Conference, set to take place later this month, on 27 April 2013.

Once every twenty minutes, someone somewhere in Spain suffers a heart attack. Taking action in the first five minutes after the attack is crucial to boosting survival rates and decreasing the risk of serious after-effects. Indeed, prevention and action will be the focal points at this conference, which will begin with a performance by students from the Bachelor's Programme in Nursing, before continuing with three practical workshops on drugs, alcohol and first aid.

The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid Conference is a fun, informative initiative organized by the Department of Nursing. Aimed at secondary-school and advanced vocational training students in Catalonia, it seeks to promote and highlight the value of prevention and care.

This innovative activity gives current students in the faculty the chance to mix with secondary-school and vocational training students. It offers a hands-on, visual simulation of a real-life scenario and enables participants to learn basic cardiopulmonary and first-aid techniques.

The conference will take place on Saturday, 27 April 2013, at the UIC's Sant Cugat campus, where the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is located.