
Montserrat Gas led the opening session at a seminar on Family and Business in the Universidad Austral in Argentina

The Director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies (IESF) was invited to open a seminar organised by Dr Patricia Debeljuh, Director of the CONFyE Centre at this Latin American university.  The session, which took place in Buenos Aires on 21 August, focused on the importance of policies to help families and on the role of the various social agents who help them to function.

The first edition of the Postgraduate degree in Family Policies was also presented  (link) during the seminar. This postgraduate programme will begin in March 2016 and will be coordinated by Dr Consuelo León, Director of the Observatory on Family Policies at the IESF. It will be taught online only; therefore it is a pioneering programme in this field.  Teachers and experts from UIC Barcelona and from the IAE Business School (Walmart Centre for Work-Family Balance, CONFyE) are also involved in teaching this postgraduate degree.

The Postgraduate degree in Family Policies will be taught completely online over a period of four months, between March and June 2016. It is divided into eight theoretical and practical modules (15 ECTS). It was set up as a response to the need to ensure that professionals exist who are trained to analyse, design and evaluate social policies which affect the family.  The idea is to create a broad sociological, anthropological, legal and economic knowledge-base through teaching provided by experts.  The various teaching activities and the tutoring system will ensure that participants acquire the necessary competences to become capable of designing and implementing family policies within the sphere of the public or private organisations which they are developing in at a professional level.  Prospective students may include managers, civil servants and public administration officers at a state, provincial and local level, members of political parties, trade union representatives, company directors, or managers of family-related organisations in the field of education, public health and the media.  NGO directors and staff members can also be added to this list.