
Montserrat Gas: "We need to provide the necessary assistance so that everyone can carry out their family plan."

Dr Montserrat Gas, Director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies (IESF), recently inaugurated the seventh edition of the UNIV Forum, hosted by the Faculty of Humanities. This year's theme was "The Impact of Family ".

The opening address took place at the Barcelona Campus on 8 October. Dr Gas, keeping with the topic proposed by the UNIV Forum, deliberated on the fundamental role of family in society. "Everyone's personal development", she asserted, "depends on the family." It is therefore an institution which must be cared for, something, she claims, that is often sorely lacking. "There is a lack of commitment to marriage these days which is necessary if we want stability and family security."

The Director of the IESF also commented on the family at European level. "Our society is not only old, it is also condemned to die. It is important", added professor Gas, "that everyone receives the assistance they need to undertake their family plan."

The UNIV Forum is a multidisciplinary event which provides a place for permanent dialogue and a meeting point for communication and university debate. Each year it addresses a specific social issue. Several months prior to the Forum, local stages are held at universities in each member country, and, for the seventh year straight, the Catalonia stage took place at UIC Barcelona. The final meeting, which includes the best speeches from the preliminary stages, is held in Rome during Easter week.