
Mora Sits on Scientific Committee at International Workshop on Economics of Education

Dr. Toni Mora, a professor in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, participated as a member of the scientific committee at the 3rd Workshop on the Economics of Education: Improving Quality in Education, organized by the Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) in September.

The workshop focused on research about
designing education policy in the context of current budget restrictions. Its
objective was twofold: first, to establish and share theoretical and
methodological knowledge for analysing the factors that determine educational
quality, and, second, to provide access to a wide range of applied studies in
which different methodologies are used.

The main presenters at the
workshop, which was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universitat de Barcelona, were Anna Vignoles of the Institute of Education-University of London
and the Institute for Fiscal Studies, and Victor Lavy of the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, the University of Warwick and NBER.

The IEB is a research centre for research
on applied economics. Its objective is to provide society with rigorous
analysis of issues such as the public finances of multilevel systems of governments,
the urban economy and innovation, and the economics of transport and
infrastructure, all of which are its areas of expertise.