
More than 200 secondary school students take B1 and B2 level exams in English at UIC Barcelona

The exam certificate is awarded by UIC Barcelona and is recognised by all Catalan universities and official language schools

On Friday, 7 May, a total of 204 ESO (compulsory secondary education) and Baccalaureate students were able to take B1 and B2 level exams in English. It is an official Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) exam certificate awarded by our University.

This year was the fifth time this exam was organised at the UIC Barcelona facilities and was developed thanks to cooperation between the University's Department of Applied Linguistics and Santillana – Richmond Publishing, and current health and safety measures were respected.

The written test for the official examination was taken at UIC Barcelona, held in person with the aim of providing exam candidates with their first experience of university life. The oral tests will be held at their respective schools.

The initiative is part of the Innovation Classroom for English Language Teaching at the Institute for Multilingualism and Richmond Publishing, a meeting point between the university and the publishing industry that seeks to promote the development of academic, scientific and cultural activities with the aim of promoting multilingualism in our society through educational innovation.