
More than 950 new students begin the year at UIC Barcelona

Yesterday, UIC Barcelona welcomed the over 950 new students entering the university in the 2019-2020 academic year. The Aula Magna hosted the students due to study on the Barcelona Campus in the morning, and those from the Sant Cugat Campus in the afternoon.

Once the students had registered and received their material, Dr Xavier Gil, the rector of UIC Barcelona, offered the attendees a few words of welcome. The rector provided encouragement for this new stage as university students. “You are now starting the most exciting period of your life”, he remarked. 

Afterwards, in a speech entitled “Be a University Student”, Dr Belén Zárate, vice-rector for the University Community, discussed UIC Barcelona’s core values: people, service, the quest for truth and professional ambition. “Sticking by these values is what defines a university student”, she stressed. 

Before the break, Father Albert Ribot, chaplain on the Barcelona Campus, and Father Pere Domingo, chaplain on the Sant Cugat Campus, presented the Chaplaincy Service in the morning and afternoon sessions, respectively. During the break, which took place in the campus garden, the traditional class pictures were taken, and the various groups were introduced. 

Next came a session on “Being International” by Mavi Maestre, the coordinator of International Mobility. For her part, the dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr Esther Jiménez, spoke to the new students about the importance of developing a personal brand and how to do so. 

To finish, several students, along with representatives from Student Services, talked about “university experiences” and how to make the most of the university outside the classroom, through the various groups and activities that are available. 

Sessió de Benvinguda 2019