
More than a hundred people from the Faculty of Dentistry take part in the photography competition on the Feast Day of the Patron Saint for Saint Apollonia

For another consecutive year, the Faculty of Dentistry has celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Apollonia, patron saint of dentists, with a new edition of the photography competition, open to students, teachers and Faculty staff. This year, around 130 people took part by submitting their photographs to the Dental category, aimed at students and teachers, and the Open category, open to all staff members of the Faculty

The awards ceremony took place on 9 February. A total of 41 photographs were submitted to the Dental category, and 86 to the Open category.

In the first category, first prize went to Alejandro Moyano for his photograph titled “Dental Vocano”, and he won Q-Optics Through-the-Lens loupes made by Sanhigia. Second prize went to Alejandra Estrada, who won a Bora LED turbine by Bor Air, for her photograph titled “Make it colorful”. Finally, third prize went to Theodore Amar for the photograph “I see your soul”.

In the Open category, Sonia Aguilera received first prize for her photograph “Bubbles”, and took home some Noise Cancelling Huawei FreeBuds 4i headphones. In the same category, Martina Torino won second prize with the photograph titled “Ori, mi mayor regalo” and was given a Google Home smart speaker. And, in third place, Marc Clarasó, for his photograph “La Puerta a la esperanza”. Clarasó took home a Curaprox dental basket.

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