
The #morethanauniversity Awards bring the 2017-2018 academic year to a close

On Friday 15 June, the awards and distinctions corresponding to this year’s University Community activities and competitions (sport, culture and solidarity) were presented to the winning students.

The awards were handed out by Dr Belén Zárate, vice-rector for the University Community. The award-winning students and categories were: 


  • Ández Izaguirre, best university athlete
  • Enrique Rodríguez, most participatory student
  • Gemma Terns, sport and study
  • Team Nottingham Prisa, winners of the UIC Barcelona Champions League
  • Robert Arisa and Sergi Homdedeu, winners of the Rector’s Paddle Tennis Tournament
  • Team Tuercebotas, winners of the Rector’s 7-a-Side Football Tournament
  • Thomas Petit, winner of the Karting Tournament
  • Men’s 7-a-side football team, champions of the RC Sport winter league
  • Simona Castejón, graduating athlete
  • Arturo Cirera, graduating athlete
  • Jesús Sanmartín, graduating athlete
  • Jon Ander Goenaga, graduating athlete
  • Ihor Prissiajnyi, bronze in the Half-Marathon at the Individual CCU
  • Berta Estragués, silver in Athletics at the Individual CCU
  • Manon Jeanjacques, bronze in Badminton at the Individual CCU
  • Alienor Truchetet, silver in Karate at the Individual CCU 
  • Elvira Perelló and Eugenia Perelló, bronze in Paddle Tennis at the Individual CCU
  • Mireia Gadea, bronze in Tennis at the Individual CCU
  • Naiara Rojas and Diana Larrull, bronze in Beach Volleyball at the Individual CCU
  • Anna Guardiola, silver in the PCU Games in Antwerp 


  • Tatiana Bianca, #morethanauniversity Award (for most participatory student)
  • Núria Palomares, winner of the “Summer Holidays” Competition with “Views of Montmartre”
  • Ferran Sabata, winner of the “Summer Holidays" Competition with “Cadí Moixeró”
  • Gerard Anton, winner of the “Spring” Competition with “Cuipinhill”
  • Ruben del Nogal, winner of the “Spring” Competition with “Expand your mind beyond the paper”
  • Ruben Bermejo, winner of the Art Competition
  • Pau Borrell, winner of the Christmas Story Competition with “Un tall de turró i una copa de cava”
  • Júlia Barón, winner of the Christmas Story Competition with “El cel de Nadal”
  • Inés Jordan, winner of the Short Story Competition with “El relato de las gaviotas”
  • Natàlia Costa, winner of the Poetry Competition with “Versos Futurs”         


  • Patricia Messa, #morethanauniversity Award for Solidarity
  • Cristina de Bresca, Càritas Honorary Distinction
  • Michel Jaquet, Càritas Honorary Distinction
  • Maria Cinta Pujol, Càritas Honorary Distinction