
New Edition of ASCER Ceramics Department Begins

On Tuesday, 18 September 2012, ESARQ professors Vicenç Sarrablo, Cristina García-Castelao and Jordi Roviras presented "Patios and Ceramics", the new edition of the ASCER Ceramics Department at the ESARQ School of Architecture.

In this
edition, the course revisits the use of traditional ceramics in Mediterranean
patios in order to incorporate contemporary touches, such as climate and light

For this
course, which lasts the whole term, the department has organized conferences by
the Catalan architectural studio Flores & Prats Arquitectos, as well as the Lisbon-based studio Pedro
Campos Costa Arquitectos. The participants will also visit the Cerámicas
Brancós factory,
located in La Bisbal
de l’Empordà, north of Barcelona, and the workshop of Toni Cumella (Ceràmica Cumella). Besides this, the company Alicer
+ ITC will hold technical workshops. 

On the last day
of the course, the Ceramics Department team will present the book Ceramic Materials 8, a collection of the best projects from the 2011-2012
academic year. After the book presentation, this year's participants will
present work done during the term to a panel of guest judges who will evaluate
the work and choose the winner for this edition.
Bet Capderferro and Ramón Bosch, from Bosch Capdeferro Arquitectes; Tomeu
Ramis and Aixa
del Rey, from the
studio Flexo Arquitectura; and Ana
Martínez, the
Communications Director at ASCER, make up this year's panel of judges.