
New Publication Spells Out Keys to Negotiating and Drafting Technology Transfer Agreements

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015, the presentation of the book Transferencia de tecnología. Contratos de cesión y licencia de patentes y know-how (Technology Transfer: Contracts for Assigning and Licensing Patents and Know-How) by Dr. Miguel Vidal-Quadras and published by lasclavesdelderecho.com was held in the UIC Barcelona Garden Hall. Dr. Javier Junceda, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Dr. Carmenchu Buganza, a university professor and the coordinator of the Master’s Degree Programme in Market Law and Industrial and Intellectual Property at the UIC Barcelona, were on hand to present the book.

The book is the result of the author's professional and academic experience. His aim is to help professionals involved in negotiating and drawing up technology transfer contracts understand the problems they entail, the standard clauses they contain, the arguments for including or omitting certain conditions and obligations, and the limits derived from the application of regulations on competition.

The author uses systematic analysis to summarize and define doctrine in a highly practical field. He focuses his analysis on specific aspects involved in transferring technology assets. For example, the book contains an analysis of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 316/2014 on technology transfer agreements and guidelines.

As Faculty Dean Dr. Javier Junceda explained, “The book addresses a subject that the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Law considered important enough to make the subject of its Master’s Degree Programme in Market Law and Industrial and Intellectual Property.”

Dr. Carmenchu Buganza highlighted the importance of Vidal-Quadras’s professional and academic career, and said that the author is a “real patents expert.”

Dr. Miguel Vidal-Quadras directs the Master's Degree Programme in Market Law and Industrial and Intellectual Property, is a Professor of Commercial Law at the UIC Barcelona, and is an Industrial Property partner at Amat & Vidal-Quadras law firm. He has written several publications on intellectual property. Since 2010, he has been the editor of the Industrial and Intellectual Property section of Las Claves del Derecho (The Keys of Law), a website for industry professionals with information on legislation, case law, bibliography and news from Latin America, Spain and Portugal. He specializes in industrial and intellectual property, competition, advertising, technology transfer and pharmaceutical law.