
A new secondary site for the UIC Barcelona Experience Campus

UIC Barcelona and the Fundación Escuelas Familiares Rurales del Penedès (Rural Family Schools of the Penedès Foundation) sign an agreement to promote the academic activities of the Experience Campus.

Through this agreement, the Camp Joliu school will provide its facilities for UIC Barcelona lecturers to teach classes to mature students in the Penedès area.

UIC Barcelona and the Fundación Escuelas Familiares Rurales del Penedès have signed a cooperation agreement that is established through the creation of a secondary site for the UIC Barcelona Experience Campus in the Penedès area. The agreement was signed by the Rector of UIC Barcelona, Dr Xavier Gil, and the manager of the Fundación Escuelas Familiares Rurales del Penedès, Dr Javier Ornia, and was organised with the aim of promoting and organising the academic activities of this Campus in the area.

The Experience Campus is an academic training project aimed at mature students that covers various fields of knowledge, such as history, art, philosophy, literature and science, through continuing education and group research work.

In this context, the Camp Joliu school in the Penedès region will offer its facilities for classroom instruction, seminars or conferences, among other events, to future mature students from the area.

According to this framework agreement, the plan is for the Experience Campus to begin its activities on 19 October in a new headquarters provided by this school in l'Arboç del Penedès.

Based on this agreement, UIC Barcelona lecturers will teach at the new site one afternoon per week. The classes will follow the curriculum of the university's Senior Programme in Culture, Science and Society and its methodology, although at an adapted pace: one day a week instead of two.

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