
The new series of “chair breakfasts” begins with IESE lecturer Miguel Ángel Ariño

The UIC Barcelona Chair in Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose held its first “chair breakfast” of this academic year on 3 February. The special guest on this occasion was Miguel Ángel Ariño, a lecturer from the Department of Managerial Decision Sciences at IESE Business School.

Lecturer Miguel Ángel Ariño recalled that “a mission is the raison d'être of any organisation, it defines the reason why a company exists, where it is going and what it aims to become in the long term”.

Ariño continued to say, that “objectives should always be mission-oriented and aggressive actions that offer short-term benefits, but those that run counter to the company's philosophy should be discouraged”.

The lecturer also stressed the need to care for employees of any organisation: “An employee”, he said, “needs money to live, but fundamentally what they want, even if they are unaware of it, is to a job that makes sense”. In this vein, he said that a committed employee “will do everything in their power to move the company forward”.

Finally, Miguel Ángel Ariño stressed the need to build solid organisations, able to adapt to change in an agile way and prepared to anticipate any setbacks that could put the company's existence at risk.

The aim of these “chair breakfasts” is to build bridges between the academic world and the business world, with the aim of generating debate on issues related to purpose and companies.