
New Student Council at UIC Barcelona

On 22 and 23 of October elections were held to the student council on our Barcelona and Sant Cugat campuses. 

After a welcome talk from the Vice-Rector for the University Community,  Belén Zárate, and a few words from Edith Castellarnau on the importance of leadership, Roser Santigosa and Núria Rovira informed the class representatives and assistant class representatives about the rights and obligations of the Council meembers, and how it works. 

Afterwards the class representatives and assistant class representatives presented their candidacies and then the voting took place. 

As a result of the voting, the Student Council on our Barcelona camps was constituted as follows: 

President: Anton Aluja (2nd year Architecture student)
Vice-President: Javier Cumelles (2nd year Journalism student)
Secretary: Jonathan Michel (2nd year Business Studies + Law student)
Spokesperson:  Marta Sierra (2nd year Pre-Primary Education student) 

On our Sant Cugat campus, the council was constituted as follows: 


President: Xavier Goñalons Giol  (2nd year Dentistry-English track- student)
Vice-President: Monica Zaldua Sarda (2nd year Medicine student)
Secretary: Pablo Alonso de Ponga (3rd year Physiotherapy student)
Spokesperson: Jimmy Alexander Millon Palma (1st year Nursing student)

The aims of the Council members is to promote university life and act as intermediaries between students and university services. You can send them any ideas, suggestions, proposals, initiatives, concerns, etc. via the following e-mail address: consellestudiants-csc@uic.es