
A new UIC Barcelona School of Architecture project will explore the life and architectural work of Josep Maria Bosch Aymerich

The Fundació Bosch Aymerich and the Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) have reached a collaboration agreement to carry out a research project addressing the life and work of Josep Maria Bosch Aymerich and focusing on his work as an architect.

The research project will consist of preparing the necessary material for the first reference publication on the industrial engineer, architect and entrepreneur Josep Maria Bosch Aymerich (1917-2015), highlighting his architectural work, less known than the other aspects of his career. The lead researcher of the project is Dr. Iñigo Ugalde, assistant director of Institutional Relations at UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

This research, which have a duration of three years, is aimed at publishing the first reference work of Bosch Aymerich's architecture and the encouraging doctoral theses on his life that “will contribute to a greater diffusion of his trajectory and a greater consideration of the value of his works”, explained Iñigo Ugalde. The resulting project aims to publicise Bosch Aymerich’s career as an architect and to consolidate his reputation as part of the Spanish architectural panorama of the later part of the 20th century.

With this research, the Fundació Bosch Aymerich expects to increase the incidence of Bosch Aymerich’s architectural work in specialised architectural journals, and encourage the emergence of others: research into more specific aspects of Bosch Aymerich’s life, or more cross-disciplinary research bringing together the aspects of his work as an architect, engineer or entrepreneur, or research into the area of business architecture, which has not been studied much in architecture schools.