
New UIC Student Council Meets with Rector

On Thursday, 22 November 2012, the Student Council, made up of students recently elected by the student bodies of both UIC campuses, had its first meeting with UIC Rector Pere Alavedra and Narcís Aguiló, the UIC Ombudsman.

The meeting was attended by the student council
presidents and vice presidents of the Barcelona and Sant Cugat campuses.

The Student Council is a collegiate body made up of
representatives elected by the delegates of each UIC centre and chosen by the
students. This year, Guillermo Martin-Riva, a
fourth-year law student, was elected president of the Barcelona Campus Council.
Vázquez, a second-year communication student, was elected
vice president. Ana Rojo, a second-year journalism
student, was elected secretary and Àlex Martínez, a
second-year architecture student, was elected member.

On the Sant Cugat campus, Marc Delgado, a
fourth-year dentistry student, is the new president, and Marta
Juez, also a fourth-year dentistry student, is the vice
president. The secretary and member are two first-year students: Sergi
Massanet, a physiotherapy student, and Jean Patrik
Medeiros, a nursing student.

One of the main objectives of the Council is to
galvanize university life and to serve as an intermediary between students and
the university by communicating ideas, suggestions and proposals that UIC
students have and wish to share. The meeting with Pere Alavedra, the
UIC Rector, and Narcís Aguiló, the UIC Ombudsman,
was held to initiate contact and allow the new Council to outline its
objectives for the 2012-2013 academic year.