
Ninth Continuing Education Conference on Professional Legal Practice

Andrés Maluenda, a lawyer from the firm Molins & Silva, gave a class on the future of his profession to students from the Faculty of Law. The class formed part of the Faculty's continuing education cycle. 

Maluenda, who has ten years of professional experience at the law firm Molins & Silva, coordinates the defence work for Barcelona's local police force in criminal cases and is currently serving a three-year term (to end in 2016) as spokesman for the Barcelona Bar Association’s criminal law section.  

He spoke to the students about the three basic attributes that are expected of today’s lawyers: the ability to study, the ability to treat their clients honourably, honestly and sincerely, and the ability to be good legal operators.

“You should begin your professional careers with enthusiasm and work well individually, as well as part of a team”, he advised.

With regard to the professional profile of junior or newly graduated lawyers, Maluenda stated that firms normally seek candidates who show initiative in resolving queries about the subjects or tasks they have been assigned. “They also want people who are eager to take on projects and assume responsibility, who are interested in growing both professionally and personally, who demonstrate their involvement in the project and, above all, who know how to admit their mistakes, so that those mistakes can be corrected”, the lawyer concluded.