
Ninth Edition of the Postgraduate Programme in Marriage and Family Education (MEF)

The aim of the Postgraduate Programme in Marriage and Family Education
(MEF) is to offer a solid anthropological basis that enables the construction of a culture of life in the spheres of politics, education and the family. To date, a total of 526 students from 22 different countries have taken this course: 432 students for the MEF programme and 94 for the e-MEF online version.

The e-MEF offers students great flexibility, as they are able to follow the programme with ease thanks to the practical approach it adopts towards its subject matter. The programme combines scientific research with the most practical aspects of family education, while respecting the personal commitments and interests of each student.

Through this programme, the Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF) offers a comprehensive study of the family environment, using a methodology that is suitable for both parents and professionals working in the education sector or in family guidance.

Upon completion of the course, students will have gained both theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the family-related aspects of the individual, along with knowledge related to teaching and family education.

The programme runs from October to June and is aimed at teachers and moderators of family-guidance programmes, graduates with an interest in anthropology, education and the family, professionals in the fields of education (such as teachers, tutors, etc.) and family assessment and guidance, and parents.