
Nursing Department Recognized by Sant Cugat del Vallès Town Council

On Wednesday, 22 May 2013, Dr. Cristina Monforte, the Director of the UIC Department of Nursing, received the ApS award recognizing education and service projects given each year by Sant Cugat del Vallès town council.

The town council recognized the Nursing Department in the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences for organizing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Day and the event celebrating the International Day of the Nurse, both of which involved the active participation of UIC nursing students.

"Education and service" means any activity that combines community service with the acquisition of information, competencies, skills and values. Education and service is a combination of teaching and solidarity. It is an innovative proposal that stems from well-known elements such as voluntary community service and learning.

In 2013, Sant Cugat town council recognized 20 education and service projects, nine more than the previous year. During the ceremony, presided over by Mayor Mercè Conesa and Esther Salat, the Councillor of Education, University and Family, some of those who received awards discussed their projects and the experience gained from them.