
Nursing students from UIC Barcelona get a first-hand look at the professional world

Year-four students from the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at UIC Barcelona had the opportunity to spend a morning with nursing directors and other heads from some of the main private, partially subsidised and public hospitals in the Province of Barcelona. The 11th University-Business Day consisted of two round table discussions with a colloquium and keynote address by Mr Luis Burgués, coordinator of Teaching, Research, Innovation and Projects at Plató Hospital in Barcelona.

During his talk, Burgués defined nursing care quality as the degree to which it meets patient expectations and reflected on the main conditions necessary for a style of nursing that aims for excellence on both a personal and professional level, given the close relationship between the two spheres.

Attendees on behalf of the Pere Virgili Healthcare Park included Mr Pedro Garzón Martínez, director of Nursing and Therapy, and Ms Luz Veiga André, assistant director in the same department. Mr Daniel Regaña Velázquez, assistant director of Healthcare Processes and Care, represented the Sagrat Cor University Hospital and the Hospital Quirónsalud del Vallès. Other participants included Ms Judit Fernández Cuervo, director of Nursing Care at Mútua Terrassa; Ms Silvia Luz Jordan, head of Nursing at Plató Hospital; Ms Mireia Labarta Tomás, head of Planning and Allocations for Consorci Sanitari Integral; Ms Nuria Bartolomé Alfonso, coordinator of the Planning and Allocations Department at Consorci Sanitari Integral and the department head, Ms Olga Marco Eza.

The session was also attended by Ms Mireia Vicente García, director of Nursing at the Mollet Health Foundation and, from Hospital Clínic, Ms Laura San Cristóbal i Taulé, from the Department of Nursing Management and Development, and Mr José Miranda Salmerón, assistant director of Health Care Activities. The Asil de Granollers Hospital Private Foundation was represented by Ms Carmen Tusquellas Oto, director of Nursing; the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) by Ms Susana Sevillano Cano, assistant director at the EAP Rambla in Sant Feliu de Llobregat; and Parc Taulí by Mr Elios Yuste Giménez, assistant director of Nursing at Sabadell Hospital and the Albada Social Healthcare Centre.

The event proved highly popular among students in their last year of undergraduate study, who are now poised to enter the workplace. According to the latest statistics from the University Quality Assurance Agency on the employability of students from the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at UIC Barcelona, 83% are currently working and only 1.9% did not start working in the first year. Moreover, over 75% hold full-time positions and 50% work in public centres, while the other 50% work in private centres.