
One of our alumni, Pau Gálvez, is one of the finalists for the national Prize for Nursing in Development 2015

Pau Gálvez, a nursing alumni (2015) and postgraduate degree in Patient Advocacy student, was one of the two finalists selected out of more than 200 candidates, for the prize that is awarded every year by the Enfermería en Desarrollo (Nursing in Development) journal published by the SATSE syndicate.  

Gálvez applied for the call based on his final degree project, which focused on establishing methods and protocols that were suited to the need for self-medication in oncological patients: "The role of nursing in the new healthcare system focused on the person - the design and construction of an educational material for the self-management of pain in oncological patients through the Health Literacy methodology." 

In October this year this project was implemented by the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO).  Over the next few months a qualitative study will be carried out on patients needs in order to subsequently prepare academic material adapted to the guidelines established by the main experts in the field of health literacy. The aim is to publish it and evaluate whether the prevalence of pain diminished in patients. Along these lines, Gálvez is clear:  "I want to create academic material which improves patient’s quality of life". The awards ceremony will be held on 26 November in the Fernando de Rojas theatre at the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid.