
One of our fourth year Advertising students has just won two Lion Awards at the Cannes Festival

Pablo Iriarte Urdiain, a fourth year Advertising and Public Relations student won two Lion Awards at the Cannes Festival, with a campaign undertaken along with DDB Barcelona for the Computer Games Museum in Berlin.

After being shortlisted six times and being awarded a Gold in the category of Media for the Iberoamerican Communication Festival - El Sol, the campaign was presented at the most important international festival in the advertising industry, in Cannes. At this festival, he won the Silver Lion award for Radio and a Bronze Lion award for Innovation and Radio use.

The Computer Games Museum in Berlin has a mission: to promote an interest in the history of computer games. The DDB team, led by Àlex Ademà, aimed to find a way to draw the attention of the general public to the incredible evolution computer games have undergone.

They created a 2 Kb videogame for a console from the 80s, ZX Spectrum, which can be transmitted using radio waves. They appealed to the nostalgia of players from that era and also used obsolete technology, such as cassettes and posters, and managed to achieve 28 million hits and €700.000 in revenue. The campaign and the computer game at the museum can be accessed here www.historyworthplaying.com

From the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya we would like to congratulate Pablo Iriarte Urdiain for this professional success story. The best way for us demonstrate our commitment to excellence is through the results achieved by our students.