
Over 60 people interested in studying through the Experience Campus attend the open day session

The information session for future senior students included a talk by lecturer and Campus coordinator Dr Salvador Vidal, as well as a round table featuring students from the Senior University Programme in Culture, Science and Society at UIC Barcelona

For the third straight year, the Experience Campus at UIC Barcelona once again opened its doors to 60 people interested in senior education. The session, entitled “Back in the classroom”, was held on 23 March at the Barcelona Campus and included a talk by lecturer and Campus coordinator Dr Salvador Vidal, as well as a round table featuring students from the Senior University Programme in Culture, Science and Society at UIC Barcelona.

The information session kicked off with a few words of welcome and a brief introduction to the Experience Campus by its director, Dr Jordi Miralbell. Before listening to the testimonies of students currently enrolled in the senior study programme, Miralbell thanked those present for attending; of the 60 participants, 20 have already officially enrolled.

As part of the round table, four students shared their experiences and opinions regarding the Campus’ academic studies. The testimonies of first-year students Francesc Fabra and Agustín Querejeta, second-year student Maria Antonia Movilla and third-year student Mireya Santos were key for those who have already enrolled in the Campus’ Introductory Module, a three-month training course prior to the start of the Senior Programme, which lasts three academic years.

The open day session ended with a talk entitled “Education is a gift (at any age)”, by Dr Vidal. During his speech, the lecturer pointed out that, “the Campus stimulates interest in new areas of knowledge and gives participants the skills to take on new tasks, through continual learning and group research. In short, it helps people stay active and improves their quality of life.”

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