
Pablo Iriarte, an Advertising and Public Relations degree student, participated in the Ide@Ràdio contest at the SER Catalunya radio

The SER Catalunya radio station recently held their first radio talent contest called Ide@Ràdio aimed at all communication students in Catalan universities. 

The SER Catalunya radio station recently held their first radio talent contest called Ide@Ràdio aimed at all communication students in Catalan universities. The contest consisted of presenting innovative radio programmes that showcase the creativity of young people. Pablo Iriarte, an Advertising and Public Relations degree student, presented his proposal and described his experience as "enriching and really fun".  

On Monday 16 February at 1pm the names of the three winners of the first edition of the contest were announced on the programme called Especies protegides [Protected Species] on SER Catalunya:  Feliços anys 20, Accent Ober’t and Petit Indi. The three finalist programmes will be produced and transmitted via one of the PRISA radio channels in Catalonia.  

On Saturday 14 February from half eight in the morning until 2pm, all of the participants presented their proposals in the Toresky studio, located at carrer Casp No.6 in Barcelona. Each participant, including Pablo Iriarte, had 5 minutes to defend their potential radio programme to the jury. The president of the jury was Josep María Martí, and the other members included Marta Delcor, Ramón Iglesias, Sique Rodríguez, Jaume Serra and Crisol Tuà.

This first edition of the Ide@Radio programme coincided with celebrations for the 90th anniversary of SER Radio in Barcelona. In total more than 100 authors presented 39 projects, defending their ideas for the future of radio. The jury’s evaluation of the first edition of Ide@Radio was as follows: "participation was good, especially among young people" which was interpreted as a sign that "radio is in good health".