
The Paliaclinic Foundation cooperates with the Cuides UIC Barcelona volunteer programme

The psychosocial care team (PSCT) at the University Clinic will be responsible for coordinating this initiative, through which volunteers from the Paliaclinic Foundation will provide support to patients and their family members

UIC Barcelona and the Paliaclinic Foundation, in an effort to provide support and assistance to people in the final stage of life and their family members, have signed a cooperation agreement through which volunteers from the Foundation will join forces with the Cuides UIC Barcelona PSCT to care for patients at the Cuides UIC Barcelona clinic. 

To UIC Barcelona and the Paliaclinic Foundation, responding to the needs of people with cancer or advanced disease, both in and out of hospital settings, is essential, offering support with a view to ensuring that both the patients and their family members are able to maintain dignity in the final stage of the illness.

As a result, the entities have decided to pool their resources and experience in palliative care to provide assistance through this volunteer programme. More specifically, volunteers from the Paliaclinic Foundation will offer support to people with advanced stage conditions or in the final stage of life who have been admitted to the clinic, as well as those who receive care at home. The Cuides UIC Barcelona PSCT, part of the “la Caixa” Foundation’s network of psychosocial care teams, will be responsible for integrating and coordinating this initiative.

Present at the signing of the agreement were Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona, and Dr Joan Carles Trallero, chairman of the Paliaclinic Foundation.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)