
Perpiñá-Robert Closes Course on International Relations, Diplomatic Law and Consular Practices

On Wednesday, 13 March 2013, Fernando Perpiñá-Robert, the President of the Centre for International Studies and the former Spanish ambassador to Germany (1991-1996) and Hungary (1996-2001), closed the first edition of the UIC Course on International Relations, Diplomatic Law and Consular Practices with a lecture on the unknown factors in diplomacy.

The course, taught by UIC professor of International Relations Víctor Pou and sponsored by the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, was attended by authorities and members of the diplomatic corps, including those at the consulates of Albania, Finland, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Malawi and Burkina Faso, as well as Josep Maria Calmet, the Secretary General of the Consular Corps accredited in Barcelona. The consulates of Mexico, Uruguay, Belgium and Greece were also represented.

The course was held from October to March and was designed especially for those working in the international community interested in gaining more in-depth knowledge of international relations, particularly as they relate to consular and diplomatic matters.

The course was inaugurated in October by Senén Florensa, the Catalan Ambassador and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Over the six months of the course, extraordinary lectures were given by guest speakers such as Roser Clavell, the former Director of Patronat Catalunya-Món for the Catalan government; Josep Maria Llovera, a senior European Commission official and the former EU ambassador to the Central African Republic and Serbia; Carlos Pérez-Desoy, a Spanish diplomat and professor of Diplomatic Law; Lluís Maria de Puig, the former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and President of the Catalan Council of the European Movement; Joaquim Llimona, the Director of International Affairs and Cooperation for Barcelona City Council; Andreu Bassols, the General Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED); Ferran Tarradellas, the Director of the Office of Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona; and Montserrat Nebrera, a UIC professor of Constitutional Law.

In addition to Pou, the course professors included María Mut, a UIC professor of International Public Law and the academic coordinator; Carlos Espaliú, a UIC professor of European Community Law; Jaume Saura and Jordi Sellarés, professors of International Public Law at the Universitat de Barcelona; Jorge Luis Collantes, a UIC professor of International Private Law; and Javier Junceda, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences.

Víctor Pou expressed his satisfaction with the first edition of the course. "I hope that this will be the first of many courses", he said.