
Persecuted Christians: «They Have Lost Everything Except Their Faith»

On Thursday, 28 May 2015, Ariadna Blanco, the Catalonia and Balearic Islands representative for the charity Aid to the Church in Need, visited UIC Barcelona’s Sant Cugat campus to give a lecture on the plight of Christians in the East. The event was organized by the Vice Rector for the University Community.

More than 200 million people are persecuted across the world merely for having been baptised. In countries dominated by radical Islam or Hinduism, “Christians are afraid. Even the government creates laws to discriminate against this group”.

An emotional Blanco explained that Christian families are being given the choice to convert to Islam or die. These families “have lost everything except their faith. They have been forced to abandon their homes”.

The speaker gave an overview of the situation faced by Christians in various Eastern countries. In Egypt, for example, radical Islamists control 90 percent of the schools. Children are taught that Muslims have more dignity than anyone else. “They indoctrinate children with hatred. They are told they have to wage a holy war. That seed of evil is planted in their minds from a very young age”.

Before she finished her lecture, Blanco asked for three things. First, a direct request from persecuted Christians: “pray for them and pray to God that ISIS will convert”. Secondly, Blanco asked for donations to Aid to the Church in Need, and lastly, she asked the audience to spread the word about what is happening in the East. “Eastern Christians are ashamed that Western Christians are remaining so silent. If you don’t speak up and let people know about these terrorist crimes, then you’re collaborating with them”, she said.

Aid to the Church in Need is an organization of the Catholic Church founded by Father Werenfried van Straaten in 1947. Its mission is to support Christians who are in need or being persecuted in any part of the world. It is a charity funded solely by donations from the faithful in 19 countries.