
Physiotherapy Professor Juan Vicente López Díaz Unveils Book on Innovative POLD Method

On Thursday, 24 May 2012, Dr. Juan Vicente López Díaz, a professor who teaches in the Postgraduate Programme in Manual Therapy based on the POLD Method®, unveiled his new book Movilización oscilatoria resonante en tratamiento del dolor (Resonant Oscillatory Mobilization in the Treatment of Pain), which was co-written by César Fernández de las Peñas, a full professor of physiotherapy at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. The POLD method is an innovative concept in the field of specialized manual physiotherapy that was created in Spain in 1990 by Professor López Díaz himself.

new book by López Díaz introduces an innovation in the field
of neuromusculoskeletal manual therapy: the POLD Method®, a modern,
evidence-based model that is currently taught in postgraduate programmes in
Spanish universities and throughout the world.

POLD Method® is based on the therapeutic manipulation of soft tissue and joints
by means of mobilization and the use of a rocking movement done at a specific
frequency for each structure (called the resonance frequency). This movement is
maintained for a certain length of time to achieve therapeutic effects in the

book describes the neurophysiological principles and the fundamental manoeuvres
and techniques behind the POLD Method® through an extensive collection of
illustrations that provide an essential guide for practical learning, as well
as a list of documented applications in some of the most common spinal
musculoskeletal disorders.

professor's new book is aimed at physiotherapists who want to grow and develop
as manual-therapy specialists and incorporate new techniques in their work. It
is a useful guide that will make it possible for physiotherapists to
successfully treat the most common spinal disorders in the population.

López Díaz teaches the Postgraduate Programme in
Manual Therapy in the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and is also director
of the Omphis Foundation and the International POLD Institute.

the book’s presentation, there was a lecture on the POLD Method®.