
Physiotherapy Students Collaborate with Barcelona Marathon Again This Year

On Sunday, 17 March 2013, about forty students from the Department of Physiotherapy at the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences worked as volunteers in the athletes' recovery area of the 35th Barcelona Marathon.

For more than five years now, UIC physiotherapy students have been able to put the knowledge gained in classes into practice by giving runners recuperation massages and helping them with passive stretching exercises. Accompanied by professors from the Department of Physiotherapy, the students attended to any athletes who requested treatment after the race.

This year, 18,400 people were registered for the Barcelona Marathon. Although last year's marathon attracted over a thousand more people, the Barcelona race is still ranked fourth in Europe in terms of the number of athletes.

As in past years, the volunteers said they were satisfied to be able to work in a “real” setting outside the classroom and increase their skills and knowledge.