
Platform to Support Microfestivals Presented at the UIC

Art history is full of people who work actively in the world of art, but struggle to actually make a living from it. Possibly with this idea in mind, on Friday, 19 June 2013, the Movistar Artsy project was presented to students in the Faculty of Humanities' Master's in Cultural Management. The project is a new platform for the creation of small-format cultural festivals and events in Catalonia.

Fernando Roscón Moreno is a philosopher and photographer and one of the twenty people who work in the Marketing Department at Movistar Catalonia. Roscón explained Movistar’s new strategy, which includes diversification in Spain’s autonomous communities. He also presented the Movistar Artsy project, which, he said, “Is designed to provide help to young creators interested in organizing microfestivals in places where there is less competition”.

Roscón spoke to an avid audience, given that it was made up of students in the Master’s Programme in Cultural Management who had just presented their final degree projects, many of which consisted of organizing a cultural festival. In fact, one of the students described her project, which involved enabling live streaming of theatre productions all over the world. Roscón confirmed that this was just the kind of project the Movistar platform is interested in.

Marta Crispí, the Director of the Master’s Programme in Cultural Management, said, “This programme is a very good opportunity for our students to turn their projects into reality”.  

To participate in this programme, creators have to upload a one-minute video explaining their project and then promote it on social networks. They have until 25 August to be one of the 20 shortlisted videos that move on to the second phase, where a select jury will choose the top three, which will obtain a total purse of €50,000 as well as promotional assistance. It is very important for the projects submitted to be innovative and to be held in places where there is less competition. Therefore, according to Roscón, “It’s time to start creating outside Barcelona”.