
«Poland Is a Country with a Broken History, But We Have Been Able to Recover»

The UIC welcomed Marzenna Adamczyk, the Polish Consul in Barcelona, on Thursday, 15 December 2011. She was invited by the UIC's International Relations Service to visit the university facilities and speak about Poland's past and present.

Marzenna Adamczyk gave the conference “Poland in Europe” on the history of Poland in the UIC Graduate Hall. She said that the history of the Polish people was “a broken history, but we have been able to recover”.  

After providing her audience with some historical context, Adamczyk described the current situation in Poland, about which she said she was “very proud”, given that “it has shown 4% economic growth and this has marked the difference between Poland and the rest of the Central European countries”.

Finally, she concluded, “Poland has achieved this improvement thanks to its refusal to grant credits and a certain level of independence in terms of exports”.

In connection with the Polish Consul’s visit, the UIC also organized an exhibition starting on 12 December on Czes?aw Mi?osz, the Polish poet, thinker and essay writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980.

The exhibition is being held in the vestibule of the Alfa and Beta buildings and focuses on the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Mi?osz (1911-2004). It provides a brief introduction to the writer’s biography and his thinking through some of his best-known writings.

The International Relations Service has organized these activities with the aim of making students aware of Polish culture and the writings of Polish poet and thinker Czes?aw Mi?osz.