
The Postgraduate Programme in Marriage and Family Education Inaugurated focused on Work-Life Balance

On Saturday, 20 October 2012, the Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF) inaugurated the 8th edition of the Postgraduate Programme in Marriage and Family Education (MEF). María Teresa López López, the Director of the Extraordinary Chair of Family Policies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, was responsible for giving a master class.

The event was
presided over by Montserrat Gas, the Director of the IESF, who welcomed the new
students and presented the programme and course objectives.

In the master
class, Prof. López spoke about one of the matters of greatest interest today:
reconciling family and work and the implications for the education of children
from a multidisciplinary perspective, bearing in mind economic factors, social
policies and education, as well as the human perspective of the issue.

When speaking
about education, Prof. López said, "For real work-life balance, it is not
sufficient to use just any concept of work or any concept of family. Nor is it
acceptable to use just any notion of what educating means".
"Educating", said López, "calls for dedicating a lot of time,
quality time".

Postgraduate in Marriage and Family Education was created seven years ago with
the aim of bringing together the academic and practical part of family studies
and offering theoretical and practical knowledge on the family dimension and
family education teaching skills.

flexibility of personal study provided by the programme's online format,
together with the accessible length of the course and very specific curriculum,
makes it possible for students to acquire academic and practical learning on family
education while maintaining balance in their personal and professional lives.