
Prenatal CEO Discusses Company’s New Business Model with First-Year Business Administration Students

Rafael Tena, the CEO of Prenatal Spain and Portugal, gave the lecture “Prenatal: From Traditional Business to Omni-Channel Retailer” to first-year Business Administration students.

Tena discussed the strategy the company has been using to adapt to consumer demands in the last three years. He spoke specifically about the business model based on franchises and online sales that has worked for the manufacturer of children's clothing.

The company chose the franchise model as a solution to grow in a context of low cash flow and major investment risk. The company's second success story has been the move to online sales, or what Tena referred to as "omni-channel marketing". He said, "New customers browse online and do their shopping offline and online”.

The success of the company's approach is clear from its sales, which have increased despite the falling birth rate in Spain.

The lecture formed part of the first-year subject Business Economics in the Business Administration degree programme.