
Proclinic and the UIC Strengthen Ties to Promote Training for Dentistry Students

On Thursday, 18 July 2013, the UIC and the dental supply company Proclinic signed a collaboration agreement through which the company will provide the Faculty of Dentistry's University Dental Clinic (CUO) with materials for teaching, research and social purposes. Clinic 4, which is dedicated to surgery, will be renamed the Proclinic Room as a result of the agreement.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013, the leading dental supply company Proclinic reached a collaboration agreement with the UIC through which the company will supply state-of-the-art dental materials to Clinic 4, one of the clinics at the CUO. Clinic 4 specializes in surgery and will henceforth be known as the Proclinic Room.

Thanks to this support, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Dentistry, who carry out their practical work at the CUO, will have the opportunity to handle and become familiar with new products and thus enhance their training. The facilities will also be made available to researchers and offered for charitable purposes.

Through this agreement, the UIC and Proclinic are demonstrating the need for collaboration between universities and the world of industry to promote the academic training of future professionals and progress in the field of dentistry.

Present at the signing of the agreement were Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry; Joan Vidal, the General Manager of the Faculty of Dentistry and the CUO; and Dr. Rufino Bueno, the Director of the CUO; and, representing Proclinic, Julián Raneda, the General Director; Salvador Torres, the Director of Human and Institutional Relations; and Laura Moya, the Institutions Coordinator.