
Proclinic Donates Dentistry Materials to UIC Charity Initiatives

Proclinic, a leading dental supply company, has renewed the collaboration agreements for research and charity projects it signed with the UIC last year. This will help strengthen the cooperative relationship between Proclinic and the UIC.

On this occasion, Proclinic has donated dentistry materials to the UIC to lend support to the charity initiatives organized by the University. The UIC will send the materials donated by Proclinic to the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to help Monkole Hospital open a dental clinic in Kinsasha with a social objective.

As occurred last year, Proclinic will supply state-of-the-art dentistry materials to one of the clinics that make up the UIC's University Dental Clinic (CUO), a clinic that specializes in surgery and has been known as the Proclinic Room since the signing of the collaboration agreement. Thanks to the support provided last year and this year, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Dentistry, who carry out their practical work at the CUO, will have the opportunity to handle and become familiar with new products and thus enhance their training.

“This new donation from Proclinic will contribute to social progress by allowing people with fewer resources to have access to dental treatment, as is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, said Joan Vidal, the General Manager of the Faculty of Dentistry and the CUO, who thanked Proclinic for its recent contribution and the trust it has placed in the UIC.

Monkole Hospital

The UIC has cooperative ties with Monkole Hospital in Kinsasha through the educational organizations ISSI (Institut Supérieur en Sciences Infirmières) and the CEFA (Centre de Formation et d’Appui Sanitaire), institutions with links to Monkole Hospital through the CECFOR (Centre Congolais de Culture, de Formation et de Développement), a parent institution that promotes educational initiatives in the Democratic Republic of Congo.