
Professor Asunción Verdera Named Dean of Faculty of Education

Dr. Verdera will replace Dr. Enrique Vidal, who has been the Dean for the last two years. He has returned to the world of school management. Dr. Salvador Vidal has been named Assistant Dean in replacement of Dr. Maite Fuertes.

As Dr. Verdera said, “There are many good projects in place that need support and encouragement so they can continue their diligent work. We have to strive for coherency between who we are, what we do and what we say in everything related to the UIC Barcelona”.

The Dean went on to explain that the new team at the Faculty of Education, “in keeping with the philosophy and values defined by the UIC, will start up projects designed to optimize training. The Faculty of Education also aims to promote academic excellence among the teaching staff involved in the early training of future teachers.”

Asunción Verdera has a PhD in Humanities from the UIC Barcelona and worked for twenty-three years in secondary school education as a teacher and in academic management. She has been a university lecturer and researcher since 2009. Dr. Verdera is currently a member of the research group on Parenthood, Equality and Work-Life Balance of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF) at the UIC Barcelona, where she works in areas related to intergenerational solidarity, family policies and family-school relations.