
Professor Jaume Camps delivers conferences on gender and education in South America

In the last week of October, Faculty of Education Professor and Sociologist Jaume Camps, who specialises in studying the impact of single-sex education on boys and girls, travelled to South America to deliver a series of conferences at universities and schools in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina and establish partnerships.

The presentations, which addressed the advantages of single-sex education during childhood towards equality at later stages in life, were given at schools, associations and universities.

During the sessions, Professor Camps explained that single-sex education is ideal when applied for a limited period of time and "has no effect on the relationship the boys and girls will have with the opposite sex, because society itself is mixed, and the children only spend 15% of their time at school", asserted Camps in an interview with the Uruguayan newspaper El Observador. "In return", added the lecturer from the Faculty of Education, "the children behave more naturally at school, helping them improve both academically and in their social relationships."

On 23 and 24 October, Professor Jaume Camps attended the 5th Congress of the Latin American Association of Single-Sex Education (ALCED) in Curitiba, Brazil. During the next few days, Camps travelled to Uruguay and Argentina, where he spoke to teachers, parents and school and university directors about education and gender. He also established agreements with the Faculty of Education at Austral University (Buenos Aires).