
Professor Jaume Camps Presents Book on Gender Intelligence for Schools

In the book, Inteligencia de género para la escuela (Gender Intelligence for Schools), the Faculty of Education lecturer addresses gender issues at schools from different angles with a special focus on two major modes of instruction: mixed-sex and single-sex education.

In the book, the second edition of which has just been released, Camps analyses the paradoxes of mixed-sex schooling based on the self-analysis of male and female teachers who were initially committed to this mode of instruction. The book also includes the opinions of students with experience in both teaching modes compiled by the author after many interviews with these students.

Professor Camps also takes a look from a psychosocial perspective at the socializing and educational importance of both mixed-sex and single-sex situations in school settings.

Jaume Camps i Bansell, a lecturer of Sociology and Social Psychology in the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Education, did his doctoral dissertation on socialization in the classroom by taking a psychosocial approach to gender-related conditioning factors and their importance for students.