
Professor Jordi Rello of the Faculty of Medicine, among the most cited researchers in the world

Dr Jordi Rello, researcher and professor of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on Clarivate's list of highly cited researchers in the world. Clarivate Analytics, which classifies according to the publication index in the Web of Science, is one of the most prestigious rankings in the international academic and scientific community. 

Rello, who is also head of the Clinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS) at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Research Institute, is among the researchers selected for exceptional performance in one or more of the 21 listed fields of science. The list includes the 6,938 most relevant names globally in the fields of science and social sciences, ranging from clinical medicine and neurosciences to agriculture, economics and the environment. Of these, 3,981 are included in list of scientific fields. In total, of the 6,938 researchers, 93 work in top ranking Spanish institutions. 

This year's Clarivate list includes researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence according to the publication of multiple highly cited articles over the past decade.