
Professor Marisa Martín's Erasmus in Turku

UIC Department of Nursing Prof. Marisa Martín spent ten days on an Erasmus exchange at the University of Turku (Finland) at the invitation of Prof. Leena Saliminen, who visited the UIC Barcelona on Erasmus in April 2015.

During her time at the UIC Barcelona, Prof. Saliminen, from the University of Turku, attended a bachelor's degree Practicum given in English by Prof. Martín. After expressing her interest in many of the features of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, Saliminen invited Martín to Turku, a renowned university in the field of nursing, given its outstanding work on professional ethics and values such as human dignity, altruism, respect and justice. Prof. Martín's research focuses on continuing education in these values and she was able to give several classes to master's and doctoral students at the Finnish university. She also distributed her thesis and attended several doctoral seminars.