
Professors Berbegal and Marimon start a new edition of their course on research methodologies in the field of business

The QCA course uses fsQCA software, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and EQSsoftware

The director of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems, Jasmina Berbegal, offered an introductory course on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) aimed at academics, doctoral students and professionals on 3 July.  

The course also included an initial introduction to this methodology, looking into greater depth into the theoretical basis of QCA, into its objectives, as well as understanding the situations it can be applied to. Through the use of practical cases there will be an explanation of how to prepare the database and how to analyse the results. 

The vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Frederic Marimon, taught a new edition of the Application of Structural Equation Models to Business Research using EQS software course on 4 and 5 July. 

This is a multivariant statistical technique to check and estimate causal relationships based on statistical data and qualitative suppositions on causality.  According to professor Marimon, this course is useful for empirical research in social sciences, particularly that undertaken in companies.