
The prognosis of teeth with internal root resorption is good when the problem is correctly diagnosed and managed

This is demonstrated in the clinical article published by Dr Xavier-Fructuós Ruiz Sánchez in the digital Style Italiano Endodontics journal

Internal inflammatory root resorption is a condition that causes the destruction of hard dental tissue. Traumatic injuries, inflammatory conditions of the dental pulp, restorative procedures and/or orthodontic treatment are some of the factors that can lead to the appearance of these types of pathologies.

However, early detection results in accurate diagnosis and decision-making to achieve the best treatment. This is shown in this clinical article  “Management of a perforating internal inflammatory root resorption in a central maxillary incisor, published by Dr Xavier-Fructuós Ruiz Sánchez in the digital Style Italiano Endodontics journal.

In the paper, Dr Ruiz discusses the case of a patient with internal inflammatory resorption in which communication with periodontal tissues was detected due to resorption and where duct treatment was carried out by sealing the resorptive process with MTA (addition of mineral trioxide). “These cases illustrate the working philosophy that we implement and teach at UIC Barcelona and, particularly as part of the European Master's Degree in Endodontics”, stated the lecturer, and he added “correct diagnosis and treatment is fundamental to achieve a good result, always while focusing on the benefits for our patients”.