
A project which places an emphasis on oral communication has won the New Researcher Prize at UIC Barcelona

The research group on learning, development and interaction (GRADI) in the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona has won one of the projects for new researchers.  The aim behind the research project is to place an emphasis on oral communication as one of the most important instruments which teachers have available to help them teach their students or pupils. 

Carmen Balaguer and Mariana Fuentes are the co-directors of the project, which is entitled "Oral language Competences of Pre-Primary Education and Primary Education Teachers: Analysis, Diagnosis and Intervention to achieve an Improvement".

For Fuentes, the objective is to "provide elements for reflection and innovative proposals in order to improve oral communicative competencies in early training for teachers".  Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies have been implemented in order to undertake this project.

During the diagnostic stage oral narrative and explanatory texts from third and fourth year students were analysed in the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona.  An academic proposal will later be designed and tested and the aim is for the results to then be extrapolated to other faculties.