
Psychologist and teacher Maria Gámiz, new director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

The lecturer, expert in the area of psychology and mental health, takes on the direction of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at UIC Barcelona, taking over from Maria Fernández Capo

Dr Maria Gámiz, a psychologist and lecturer, continues the work done so far by Dr Maria Fernández Capo, who continues as director of the Department of Basic Sciences and the area of psychology.

Holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull, Maria Gámiz also holds a doctorate in Health Research and three Master's Degrees in Family Therapy at UIC Barcelona, in Positive Psychology at the Universitat Jaume I, and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and Health at Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull.

In 2011, she joined UIC Barcelona as a doctoral student and lecturer in the area of psychology and mental health, in the Department of Basic Sciences. She was part of the team in charge of designing and defining the contents of the new Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, which began in September 2018. Since she began at UIC, Gámiz has been the head of studies for the bachelor’s degree programme and, since September, she has taken over the management of the programme.

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