
Racionero Presents Education Proposals of European Project in Turkey

Dr. Sandra Racionero participated in the International Conference on Equal Opportunities in Access to Quality Education, which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from Wednesday to Friday, 14-16 November 2012.

Dr. Racionero was invited as a European expert on
measures to overcome inequalities through education. To that end, she gave a
presentation that outlined the successful educational approaches identified
through INCLUD-ED, an integrated project within the Sixth Framework Programme
of the European Commission. She described these approaches as tools to achieve
equality of outcomes in a range of contexts.

The conference was organized by Darü??afaka, a
Turkish education association, with collaboration from the Turkish Ministry of
Education and the European Training Foundation.

As a result of the presentation given by Dr.
Racionero, CREA, the research centre that coordinates the INCLUD-ED project,
will conduct a two-day workshop with representatives from the Turkish Ministry
of Education to examine the possibility of expanding successful educational initiatives
throughout the country.