
Recommendations from head-hunter Eduardo Conde to help focus your university degree

Conde, a partner at Seeliger and Conde, offered a talk in the closing Personalízate programm, in which he explained how to prepare your curriculum vitae, how to do a job interview, and how to tackle your future working life. 

“Know yourself, accept yourself and outdo yourself”.  On 11 December the head-hunter Eduardo Conde, partner at Seeliger and Conde company, paraphrased Saint Augustine when he encouraged and guided students from the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences in terms of focusing their careers. 

In the closing Personalízate programm, Conde explained the importance of knowing yourself well in order to detect your strong points but also your weak points and then find out what can be improved.  Eduardo Conde also underlined the importance of self-esteem and the desire to outdo oneself starting off based on the idea that we should not be afraid of work or making mistakes. 

According to this expert all of this comes together when searching and aiming for high executive positions in companies. Over the course of a single day he advised large numbers of students who were interested in how to tackle their immediate future.   

Conde gave them advice about how to prepare their CV, job interviews and how to communicate effectively.  He also underlined the importance of being sure of what you want to do, how to have a plan B and an emergency fund to face uncertainties at a personal level or in the labour market. 

The headhunter reminded attendees that in reality “people hire you because of what you know, but they fire you because of who you are”, and highlighted the need to transmit the values of generosity, teamwork and professionalism, etc.  Finally, he said that 80% of job opportunities arise through networking, and for that reason relationships and contacts will be essential to students in the future.