
Researcher Consuelo León has contributed to the book Políticas familiares en España ante los nuevos retos del sistema de bienestar (Family policies in Spain in the face of new welfare system challenges)

The director of the Family Policies Observatory has collaborated in this collection of essays that analyses the challenges of work-life balance and remote working schemes as principal family policies in the context of current societal digitalisation

Dr Consuelo León Llorente, director of the Family Policies Observatory of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies and editorial coordinator of the magazine Quaderns de Polítiques Familiars, has participated in the book: Políticas familiares en España ante los nuevos retos del sistema de bienestar (Family policies in Spain in the face of new welfare system challenges). In her chapter, titled “Teleworking, digitalisation and gender differences in the context of transformation of family policies”, Dr León analyses the development of remote working during the pandemic, as well as the evolution of work-life balance policies in younger generations.

In her text, the researcher highlights the disadvantages women have in the workplace because of maternity and childcare tasks, which constitute “one of the most important obstacles to progress toward equal opportunities in employment”. Basing her argument on the analysis of different studies and the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lecturer proposes the development of co-responsibility and remote working as an asset for the modernisation and improvement of efficiency in companies: “In general terms, remote working provides flexibility and benefits for the individual, who can spend more time on the family,” says the expert.

The book is published by the CENTRA Foundation and can be downloaded online. It is a collection of the papers of the conference on family policies held in Baeza (Jaén) from 6 to 8 September 2021.

Dr León is director of the UIC Barcelona Family Policies Observatory, which carries out different activities within the UIC Barcelona Childcare and Family Policies Chair of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies, and with the support of the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation.